With The Esbat Sequence, Tara Lindsey has traveled into the mist, bringing back half remembered memories and possible futures. A post-digital seanchaí, finding her voice in a constantly evolving world, she has tapped into something old, and simultaneously very, very new.
Written mostly during the threshold hours before dawn, these non-linear Trickster tales, of Fire and ash and rebirth, of masks and lighthouses and “a fox who has secret knowledge of interstitial spaces”, are an invitation, to a world of stories and songs and things you can touch, and to more subtle, hidden things as well.
The Esbat Sequence is a spell, a seed, planted deep in space and time, part of an unfolding cross-dimensional hyper narrative. It’s also as simple to read as a fairy tale, and occasionally twice as dangerous. It will fill your head with ideas. It will change you, if you let it.
You have been warned.
- Genre: Poetry
- Print Length: 162 pages
- Publication Date: June 1st, 2012
- ISBN: 978-1-938697-04-3
Tara Lindsey
… is going to write
about herself in the third person.
Please bear with her.
She is a lover of silence and solitude
of cloudy day mystery feelings
of Jean Giono and W.S. Merwin
and the comics of John Marc DeMatteis.
She has recurring dreams of parallel worlds
is utterly besotted by Cara Dillon and
hopes to one day play the bass like a Celtic harper.
She puts one word in front of the other
watches sunsets out her studio window
and is grateful beyond all measure
for the love and support of her family.
A Brighid, scar os mo chionn
Do bhrat fionn dom anacal.
To learn more about Tara, visit her at: taralindsey.com